Thursday 7 April 2011

Elizabeth Cook - Court Artist

A fascinating talk by Elizabeth Cook, one of only three court artists working in the UK. Her work is seen in newspapers and on TV for all the famous trials and infamous defendants. Her work is all the more amazing when you consider it all has to be completed from memory and written notes as no drawing or photography is allowed in court. She usually has to complete the drawings in about 20 minutes so a photo can be taken then beamed to the news desk for the latest bulletin. Her main tip is to concentrate on the 'muzzle' i.e. the mouth and area under the nose as this area is critical to getting a good likeness. She works with pastel pencils and grabs any available surface to work on, such as a baby changing area in the toilet or even outside on the pavement.

Recalling some infamous trials

Demonstrating how changes to the eyes only can change the entire facial expression
Recent drawing of Vincent Tabak  (Joanna Yeates muder suspect)